Noosh’s sustainability functionality allows the buyer/outsourcer to capture and compare environmental impacts on the paper required to complete a print job.
The workgroup preference “Sustainability – Paper” controls which workgroups can use this functionality. Enabling this preference on the buyer/outsourcer workgroup will turn on the sustainability functionality for both buyer/outsourcer and corresponding supplier workgroups. Not all specs within Noosh will require paper. To trigger the display of the sustainability components, the following spec(s), containing paper components, are to be used.
- Any Enterprise spec that has a “Stocks & Inks” spec item section. The standard “Printed Products” spec is one example.
- Any Smart Form that has a field with reporting name “STOCKS_AND_INKS_SI1_STOCKS_USED_AS” and “Is Spec Item” checked. In the case that two types of papers are required, a second field called “STOCKS_AND_INKS_SI2_STOCKS_USED_AS” is needed.
Supplier Estimates
When a supplier receives a RFE containing spec(s) with a paper component, he/she would be required to fill out certain paper information as part of the estimate. Depending on requirements, there might be multiple papers required for each spec item. Suppliers would need to provide the paper information for each paper separately.
The paper information consists of two parts: (1) Paper related fields; (2) Environmental impact results.
- Paper related information – Some fields, such as “Used As,” “Weight,” or “Paper Type” can be carried over from the spec and auto-populated or manually entered by the supplier. Others, such as “Paper Grade,” “Total Weight,” and “% Recycled Content” are required fields needed to obtain the environmental impact information.
- Environmental impact results – By clicking on the “Calculate Impact” button, suppliers can instantaneously see the environmental impact of the paper used for the estimate. If needed, the supplier can change the paper grade, % recycled content, or total weight to see if he/she can achieve a better result.
The following four factors are included as part of the environmental impact result – (a) Wood; (b) CO2 Equivalent; (c) Water Usage; (d) Total Energy.
Buyer/Outsourcer Estimates Comparison
Once the estimates come back from the suppliers, the buyer/outsourcer can compare each estimate based on price and environmental impact.
Noosh ranks each estimates based on the total CO2 equivalent. The estimate(s) with the least amount of CO2, or within 10% of the least amount of CO2, will be assigned a “Green” tree. The estimate(s) with the highest amount of CO2, or within 10% of the highest amount of CO2 emission, will be assigned a “Red” tree. The remaining estimates without a “Green” or “Red” tree will be assigned an “Amber” tree. It is possible that all estimates are rated “Green,” meaning that all estimates have CO2 emission within 10% of each other. Hovering over each colored tree will display in detail the four factors of the environmental impact for that particular estimate.
For a more detailed side-by-side comparison of each estimate, the user can click on the icon beside “Estimates Details” to navigate to a new comparison page that provides information about the supplier, the pricing, and the environmental impact.
Create Buy Order from Estimate
Any orders that are created from estimates containing paper and environmental impact information will also have equivalent paper and environmental information at the order level. Since the paper and environmental impact information are based on quantity 1 of each spec, any order created from an estimate other than quantity 1 will require the supplier to edit the order and enter any necessary paper/environmental impact information before the order can be accepted.
Buyer/Outsourcer Quick Orders
If the buy/outsourcer creates a quick order without any estimates, the supplier would need to edit the order and enter any necessary paper/environmental impact information before the order can be accepted.
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