The first thing you may notice with this new user interface is that the top navigation bar has a different look. This area will remain consistent on any page that has Noosh One enabled. Additionally, the Create Project button and Recent Project drop-down have been swapped, and you can perform a search, or switch workgroups from here as well:
Workspace → Projects lists all projects that the current user has access to. Filters are available to further narrow down specific projects. Users can click into each project to navigate to the actual project details page for more information.
1. The Filters area can be collapsed to hide the search/filter criteria fields or Switch to Project Milestones to view by milestones.
2. After any criteria entry or change, click the Apply Filters button to update the search results with the new data.
3. The following fields are used to search for projects. By default, most of the fields are blank unless the user manually enters a criteria. Once the search criteria have been defined, they will be saved.
a. Find - search for projects by Project ID, Project Name, Project Number, Comment, Description. or user fields.
b. Create Date - search for projects created between specified dates or by a date range (past week, past 30 days, etc.). Use the radio buttons to toggle between the two options.
c. Completion Date - search for projects with “Completion Date” field specified between two dates or by a date range. The “Create Date” and “Completion Date” search criteria can be used together or independently, and the “Between” and “Range” options can be selected on either criteria. For instance, you can search for projects between 4/1/2019 and 5/2/2018 and with completion date in the past 2 weeks.
d. Project Client - search for projects with the specified client name(s). This is a dropdown field to search by specific clients, all clients, or no client. This can make it faster for user to identify projects containing certain client(s).
- Depending on the role/permission of the user, he/she has access to projects that they are not a member of. To search via project owner, change the project accessibility dropdown from “My Projects” to “All accessible Projects.”
h. Active/Inactive - search for projects that are “active,” “inactive,” or both.
i. Project Accessibility - search for projects that the user belongs to (“My Projects”), has access to but not necessarily a member of (“All Accessible Projects”), or important projects (“Hot Projects”). This allows you to have visibility into all project data that the workgroup receives.
j. Sub-Projects - locate all projects that match the search criteria, and if checked, include all sub-projects even if the sub-project themselves do not directly match the search criteria.
4. You can view the number of results or change the number of results shown on the page by toggling the dropdown on the bottom right of the results table.
5. Sorting - The search results can be sorted by the following columns: Project Number, Project Name, Project Status, Client Account or Completion Date. Columns that cannot be sorted are Owners and Last Update. Hover over the desired column name and click on the arrow to sort by that column. The arrow for which the data is currently sorted by will be visible as in indicator, but the others will not be.
6. In-line editing is available on the following columns: Project Name, Project Status, and Completion Date. Project Number can also be in-line editable if it’s not automatically generated via a counter. This allows the user to edit these fields for the desired project without having to go into the project itself. Hover over the data to be edited and click on the pencil. Project Number edits require the user to click on the check mark once the edit is made. Project Status and Completion Date are auto-saved once an edit is made. A pop-up calendar is available when editing Completion Date.
7. Use the Export to Excel button at the bottom of the page to export your search results to Excel.
8. SubProject(s) are listed underneath each parent project if the “Include SubProjects” option is checked.
9. When listing more than one project owner, user can hover over the “2 owners” text and Noosh will display the names of the owners.
10. User can select or deselect all of the resulting projects by checking the box to the left of the Project Number column header.
At the bottom of the page, user can make batch changes to the selected projects. Choose which action is needed and click “Go.” On the next page, user will have the opportunity to edit the project selections before any changes are saved.
Workspace -> RFEs lists all RFEs and its associated estimates that the current user has access to. Regular RFEs, reverse auctions and open bids can all be displayed here. Filters are available to further narrow down specific RFEs. Users can click into each RFE or estimate to navigate to the actual details page for more information.
1. The Filters area can be collapsed to hide the search/filter criteria fields.
2. After any criteria entry or change, click the Apply Filters button to update the search results with the new data.
3. The following fields are used to search for RFEs. By default, most of the fields are blank unless the user manually enters a criteria. Once the search criteria have been defined, they will be saved.
a. Find - Search for RFEs by RFE Reference #, RFE ID, RFE Title, Project Name or Project Number.
b. Create Date - search for RFEs created between specified dates or by a date range (past week, past 30 days, etc.). Use the radio buttons to toggle between the two options.
c. Due Date - search for RFEs that are due between two dates or by a date range.
The “Create Date” and “Due Date” search criteria can be used together or independently, and the “Between” and “Range” options can be selected on either criteria. For instance, you can search fro RFEs created between 4/1/2019 and 5/2/2019 and with due date in the coming 2 weeks.
d. RFE Status - search for RFEs with a certain status.
e. RFE Accessibility - search for RFEs that the user has created (“My RFEs”) or has access to but not created (“All Accessible RFEs”).
4. Sorting - The search results can be sorted by the following columns: RFE ID, RFE Title, Submit Date and Project Name. Hover over the desired column name and click the arrow to sort by that column. The arrow for which the data is currently sorted by will be visible as an indicator, but the others will not be.
5. You can view the number of results or change the number of results shown on the page by toggling the dropdown on the bottom right of the results table.
6. Underneath each RFE, associated estimates are listed based on each suppliers. Estimates cannot be sorted or searchable within the RFE manager. Use the arrow on the left margin to collapse or expand RFE items in the search result. For each RFE, suppliers that responded with estimates will be listed at the top, followed by suppliers who declined, followed by suppliers who did not respond.
7. The “Bid Count” dictates how many bids a certain supplier has submitted for a reverse auction or an open bid. It’s not applicable for regular RFE.
8. The “Estimates” column lets user know how many suppliers have responded to the RFE and how many specs the suppliers have estimated.
Workspace -> Estimates lists all estimates that the current user has received. Filters are available to further narrow down the estimates. Users can click into each estimate to navigate to the actual details page for more information.
1. The Filters area can be collapsed to hide the search/filter criteria fields.
2. After any criteria entry or change, click the Apply Filters button to update the search results with the new data.
3. The following fields are used to search for estimates. By default, most of the fields are blank unless the user manually enters a criteria. Once the search criteria have been defined, they will be saved.
a. Find - search for estimates by Estimate Ref #, RFE Ref #, RFE Title, Project Name or Project Number.
b. Submit Date - search for estimates submitted between specified dates or by a date range (past week, past 30 days, etc.). Use the radio buttons to toggle between the two options.
c. Estimate Status - search for estimates with a certain status.
d. Estimate Accessibility - search for estimates based on RFEs that the user has created (“My Estimates”) or has access to but not associated with RFEs that the user created (“All Accessible Estimates”).
4. Sorting - The search results can be sorted by the following columns: Estimate Ref #, Estimate Title, Suppliers, Submit Date, Status, RFE and Project Name. Hover over the desired column name and click the arrow to sort by that column. The arrow for which the data is currently sorted by will be visible as an indicator, but the others will not be.
5. You can view the number of results or change the number of results shown on the page by toggling the dropdown on the bottom right of the results table.
6. The Expiration Date denotes the date/time that the estimate is valid until. This is specified by the suppliers when they submit the estimate. It’s not a required fields so if the supplier has not submitted an expiration date, leave blank.
7. At the bottom right, user can utilize the pagination buttons to flip through the search results.
Workspace -> Quotes lists all quotes that the current user has access to. Filters are available to further narrow down the quotes. Users can click into each quote to navigate to the actual details page for more information.
1. The Filters area can be collapsed to hide the search/filter criteria fields.
2. After any criteria entry or change, click the Apply Filters button to update the search results with the new data.
3. The following fields are used to search for quotes. By default, most of the fields are blank unless the user manually enters a criteria. Once the search criteria have been defined, they will be saved.
a. Find – search for quotes via Project Name, Project Reference, Quote Title, Quote Reference.
b. Create Date – search for quotes created between specified dates or by a date range (past week, past 30 days, etc.). Use the radio buttons to toggle between the two options. Create date here denotes when the quote is created therefore any quote in “draft” status will be included.
c. Quote Status – search for quotes with a certain status.
d. Quote Accessibility - search for quotes=s that the user has created (“My Quotes”) or has access to but not created (“All Accessible Quotes”).
4. You can view the number of results or change the number of results shown on the page by toggling the drop-down on the bottom right of the results table.
5. Sorting – The search results can be sorted by the following columns: Quote ID, Quote Title, Submit Date, Status, and Project Name. Hover over the desired column name and click the arrow to sort by that column. The arrow for which the data is currently sorted by will be visible as an indicator, but the others will not be.
6. Any off-line client will be indicated as such.
Workspace -> Orders lists all original orders, change orders and closing change orders that the current user has access to. Filters are available to further narrow down the orders. Users can click into each order to navigate to the actual details page for more information.
1. The Filters area can be collapsed to hide the search/filter criteria fields.
2. After any criteria entry or change, click the Apply Filters button to update the search results with the new data.
3. The following fields are used to search for orders. By default, most of the fields are blank unless the user manually enters a criteria. Once the search criteria have been defined, they will be saved.
a. Find - search for estimates by Project Name, Project Number, Order Reference # or Order Title.
b. Submitted Date - search for orders submitted between specified dates or by a date range (past week, past 30 days, etc.). Use the radio buttons to toggle between the two options. Submitted date here denotes when the order is created therefore any order in “draft” status will be included.
c. Completion Date - search for orders with “Completion Date” field specified between two dates or by a date range. The “Submitted Date” and “Completion Date” search criteria can be used together or independently, and the “Between” and “Range” options can be selected on either criteria. For instance, you can search for orders created between 4/1/2019 and 5/2/2019 and with completion date in the next 2 weeks.
d. Order Status - search for orders with a certain status.
e. Order Accessibility - search for orders that the user has created (“My Orders”) or has access to but not created (“All Accessible Order”).
f. Transaction Type - search for “buyer orders” only, “sell orders” only, or both. This filter is not available for supplier or buyer/client workgroups.
4. Include Change Order - If enabled, any change orders associated with an original order will be displayed. If not enabled, only original order will be displayed.
5. Apply Filters to Change Orders - If enabled, only orders with change orders will be displayed. Any order without any change orders will not be displayed.
6. You can view the number of results or change the number of results shown on the page by toggling the dropdown on the bottom right of the results table.
7. Sorting - the search results can be sorted by the following columns: Order ID, Order Title, Client, Supplier, Status, Completion Date and Project Name. Hover over the desired column name and click the arrow to sort by that column. The arrow for which the data is currently sorted by will be visible as an indicator, but the others will not be. By default, sort by Order ID.
8. Payment Ref # refers to the “Payment reference no.” within each order under general information. This is an user input fields.
9. Total denotes the total value of the order. It is a sum of all item prices, tax and shipping. Any order that’s not accepted, shipped or closed will have its total value greyed out.
10. Invoiced Amount refers to how much the order has been invoiced already. Any pending invoices will not count towards this amount. When comparing this column with the Total column, users can see at a glance whether the order has been fully invoiced or not.
11. Since both buy orders and sell orders are listed together, either the supplier name or the client name will be displayed but not both for the same order. For supplier workgroups, only the Client column is visible. For buyer/client workgroups, only the Supplier column is visible.
When an order has change order(s) associated with it, an aggregated order summary is displayed with each individual order(s) listed underneath it. User can expand or collapse the aggregate order.
Workspace -> Invoices lists all invoices that the current user has access to. Filters are available to further narrow down the invoices. Users can click into each invoice to navigate to the actual details page for more information. Unlike the invoice listing page at the project level, which are group by orders, the invoices under workspace -> Invoices are listed independently of an order.
1. The Filters area can be collapsed to hide the search/filter criteria fields.
2. After any criteria entry or change, click the Apply Filters button to update the search results with the new data.
3. The following fields are used to search for invoices. By default, most of the fields are blank unless the user manually enters a criteria. Once the search criteria have been defined, they will be saved.
a. Find - search for invoices by invoice number.
b. Project/Order - search for invoice(s) that belongs to the specified order (order name, order ID, order number or order reference number) or project (project name, project ID or project number).
c. Invoice Status - search for invoices with a certain status.
d. Invoice Accessibility - search for invoices that the user has created/received (“My Invoices”) or has access to but not created (“All Accessible Invoices”).
e. Transaction Type - search for “buy invoices” only, “sell invoices” only, or both. This filter is not available for supplier or buyer/client workgroups.
f. Invoice Date - search for invoices with the specified invoice date range. The invoice date can be found within each invoice details. It’s either automatically filled or user-input. This is NOT the date that the invoice is submitted or accepted.
g. Due Date - search for invoices that are due between specified dates or by a date range (past week, next week, next 30 days, etc.). Use the radio buttons to toggle between the two options. The “Invoice Date” and “Due Date” search criteria can be used together or independently, and the “Between” and “Range” options can be selected on either criteria. For instance, you can search for invoices with an invoice date between 4/1/2019 and 5/2/209 and that are due in the next 2 weeks.
4. You can view the number of results or change the number of results shown on the page by toggling the drop-down on the bottom right of the results table
5. Sorting - The search results can be sorted by the following columns: Invoice #, Invoice Date, Due Date, Status, Order Name, Client, Supplier, and Project Name. Hover over the desired column name and click the arrow to sort by that column. The arrow for which the data is currently sorted by will be visible as an indicator, but the others will not be. By default, sort by Invoice #.
6. Invoice Date - The invoice date specified for each invoice. It’s either a system-defaulted date or a user-input date. It does NOT represent the date/time when the invoice is submitted or accepted.
7. Since both buy invoices and sell invoices are listed together, either the supplier name of the client name will be displayed but not both for the same invoice. For supplier workgroups, only the Client column is visible. For buyer/client workgroups, only the Supplier column is visible.
Workspace -> Files is where users can search for uploaded files.
1. The Filters area can be collapsed to hide the search/filter criteria fields.
2. Search files by name or tag by utilizing the Find field combined with the In drop-down menu.
3. Select to show only the results from My Projects or All accessible projects.
4. Narrow down your search results by selecting a File Uploaded date range or customized set of dates to perform the search.
5. The File Uploader allows you to search by the person who uploaded the file - type in the name or use the "Contacts" pop-up.
6. Some of your projects may use the older Noosh File UI, and the File UI drop-down will allow you to search the old file UI, or the current file UI.
7 & 8. The results are separated by Files and Old Files, indicating the current File UI, and the older File UI. If your particular workgroup does not have any files using the older file UI, the Old Files section will not appear.
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